Building Leadership Right Where You Are

Thursday, February 25, 2010 0 comments
It seems that there are many people that jump to positions of leadership without learning the different values associated with the position. Sometimes, they may actually be ready, but in the instance there is a competent leader in the organization, a good leader will always step aside and learn before he leads.

Read: Building Leadership Right Where You Are on Associated Content

What to Expect When You Finally Quit

Friday, February 12, 2010 0 comments
For people that are trying to quit cigarette smoking, it is always a daunting task. Although nicotine may not be seem to be dangerous because it is in fact legal, it is considered one of the most highly addicted drugs out in the world. Many users who stop smoking end up picking up the habit again because of the withdrawal symptoms they get from the nicotine when they finally decide to quit.

Read more about the symptoms of Nicotine Withdrawal, and what to expect when you finally quit.

Obama Vs. Greenhouse Emissions, Government Taking the Lead

Wednesday, February 3, 2010 0 comments
Excerpt from: Obama Vs. Greenhouse Emissions, Government Taking the Lead

According to President Obama the federal government is "the largest energy consumer in the United States" but they're cutting down their greenhouse gas emissions by 28 percent by 2020. It's very true that the government has a "responsibility to American citizens to reduce [their] energy use and become more efficient." Obama signed an executive order in October requiring federal agencies to set their goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions within 90 days.

Basically, he is telling people exactly what to do, and giving a reasonable time frame to do it. It's amazing how agencies and any other business will regulate their operations at the cost of the world around us, until they are legally obligated to change their means of "efficient" operation. Obama's goal "is to lower costs, reduce pollution and shift federal energy expenses away from oil and towards local, clean energy."

Read the rest on Associated Content: Obama Vs. Greenhouse Emissions, Government Taking the Lead